3 – 100. just got test results doctor stating need to come back in 6weeks to get retested; HSV 2 IgG, Type Spec 0. For hsv2 my results says HSV-2ab -observation 0. . 02 is negative for all practical purposes. HSV1 is very common. 59. 00) on HSV-2 IgG chemiluminescent immunoassays (CIAs) may be false-positive results. 91. A test that is 90% sensitive will correctly identify 90 people out of 100 who have the disease. ) BACKGROUND: I have been getting canker sores in my mouth since I was a kid (3-6 a year), but have never had a cold sore or any genital symptoms. Never had an. The two types of herpes are oral herpes (HSV-1) and genital herpes (HSV-2). My blood was sent to the CDD, they did and Elisa test. 76 (positive) HSV2: 3. 91 HSV 1 and 2- Spec Ab, IgG w/Rfx HSV 1 IgG, Type Spec 49. 37, % inhibition is 88 The clinic told me that this inhibition test was a confirmatory test that I'm truly hsv2 positive. 91 0. It means that you likely have a protein in your blood, unrelated to HSV, that is artificially tripping this test, intermittently. i had a partner (female) march of this year. The number was actually extremely high (62. Mine was at 0. If clinically appropriate, retest at later date. For a test value form 0. 00 - 0. 09. A index positive result cannot distinguish between recent and past infection. 14 High; HSV Type 1 Specific Ab, IgG, HSV 1 IgG, 2. 0 HSV,Igm I/II Combination because it states the ratio. I then took a type specific HSV1/2 IGG test a few days later (done through Labcorp) that was completely negative for both HSV 1 and 2. Your result might be technically equivocal, but an ELISA ratio of 1. 91 Equivocal 0. Long-term use of the antiviral drugs is considered. (IgG): 1. 09 Note: Negative indicates no antibodies detected to HSV-2. HSV 1 and 2-Spec Ab, IgG w/Rfx Tests Result Flag Units Reference Interval HSV 1 IgG, Type Spec03 <0. Additionally, viral. A total of 4,295 HIV-negative men who have sex with men participated in the EXPLORE study. I only. 91. 37,678 satisfied customers. This skin infection is characterised by painful blisters or skin sores. So it sounds like I had the right test done, all things considered. HSV-2 IgM alone was positive in three cases, HSV-2 IgG alone was positive in 26 cases and three had a positive HSV-2 IgM and IgG result. 00 while the HIV. Most people who have HSV-1 or HSV-2 don’t have symptoms. Cases of genital herpes are usually caused by the HSV-2 strain, but HSV-1 cases of genital herpes are becoming more and more. Sensitivity is how often a test correctly identifies someone with a disease. 90 DA F Negative 0. HSV1 primarily causes an oral infection, usually manifested as cold sores. I was tested on 2/10 with an igg type specific at Labcorp that came back positive at a level of read more. 35 of the 36 paired HSV-2 positive samples were tested on Sure-Vue® HSV-2 Rapid Test. 09. I had a followup test and got my results. 70 HIGH . The doctor told me that I should come back in a few weeks to check again. The test is done to find out whether a person has ever been infected with oral or genital herpes. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) are large double-stranded DNA viruses of the Herpetoviridae family, alphaherpetovirinae sub-family []. view test results,. 90 TEST: HSV 1 & 2 IGM RESULT: 0. As noted by the other reference. After further reading it basically advised to wait 4-6 weeks and test again. Interpreting a herpes blood test lab result is not an overly complex process. 00-0. 90 Hsv-1ab- observation 62. However there is a big worry on me then i took hsv igg test 7. suppression quite yet if you want to do the western blot as a follow up test because the medication can impact your HSV. HSV 1/2 IgG Aby-HSV1 IgG, Type Spec <0. 00 - 0. I was shocked. If HSV 1/2 IgG, CSF is greater than or equal to 1. The HSV 2 blood test is used to determine if there is a type 2 genital herpes infection in specific situations: if someone has genital symptoms. HSV 2 IgG, Type Spec <0. Medical Internist/Cardiologist. The HSV-2 IgG inhibition assay is a method that may be used to help distinguish such false-positive results from true-positive results. 91 and1. 91, aggravating symptoms, but I’m still in my first year and also going through steps for differential diagnosis. 1 reference said positive) All igm negative. 91 Equivocal 0. 91 index 0. What does the hsv I/II value of 5. 91. Of the results obtained with the Sure-Vue® HSV-2 Rapid Test there was 100% overall agreement with the positive specimens and 97% overall agreement with the. Never had an outbreak new girlfriend wanted test Negative <0. index 0. HSV 1 infection: Whether you realize it or not you are infected with HSV 1 - the cold sore virus. I’ve been reading a lot about herpes lately as i was checked for TORCH which includes hsv 1-2. 91, hsv 2 ugh type spec 2. 91- 1. The result was negative for HSV 1 & 2. For some reason when I posted the full results it cut off some, but yes I got both hsv 1 and 2 igg blood test both like so: Negative 1. She said anything over 1. 91 Equivocal HSV2 Result I just got my HSV1/2 test results back today and I got a . 5. 3 weeks after contracting the disease, over 50% of infected people are positive for herpes. Hello. 91 Equivocal HSV2 Result : r/Herpes MentionOutside7726 NSFW . Herpes tests. 00-0. 95 – Equivocal. 9 in July (neg). Here is the summary of the events. Read More. So upon review I ask the doc and she was rather dismissive and restated that I'm positive and don't need a retest and should just start the suppression meds. 91 and that lies in the equivocal slot I am 5 months post possible exposure. 09 Please tell me I don’t have HSV2 and only HSV 1. 00 – 0. 1 and 3. 91-1. Hope that answers your question. The assay is reported as either positive or negative because the magnitude of the IgG level cannot be correlated to the amount of antibody present. 90 index) 3. When we got this result I went into my gynecologist. 90 , neg 1. 0, a very high number. 91 0. 12). 91 Hsv IgM I/II combo 1. 91 from a Labcorp test . 90 Negative, HSV 2 1. D. 12 positive. 00 - 0. I do not have HSV-1. HSV-1: 1. 69. After an HSV-2 exposure and. Genital herpes: Your test results show you are infected with HSV2. 09 IV, the results are unclear, that is, there is a questionable presence of the IgG antibody to HSV-1. A close friend of mine had a full panel STD blood testing done, he showed me the results, which show Negative for all STDs (including HSV-1), however the results for HSV-2 IgG Type Spec was high 1. 09 Equivocal 0. 24 on an HSV-2 blood exam which I took last Tuesday. 00) may be false positive and are reflexed to supplemental testing in accordance. 09 positive greater than 1. A index positive result cannot distinguish between recent and past infection. Pos 1. 1 High index 0. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Test results for herpes are: Hsv 1 IgG <0. The lab results came back on October 28th; it said I tested positive for Gonorrhea and negative for HSV2, and positive. Although PCR has been the diagnostic standard method for HSV infections of the central nervous system, until now viral culture has been the test of choice for HSV. 20). For the grand majority of test results that are positive, they will be much. 0, the more likely the result is false. I received an IgG result of 17. 7,8 Generally, a person can only get HSV-2 infection during genital contact with someone who has a genital HSV-2 infection. 91 is the lowest possible number to get on the . 6, 1. The results were as follows: IgG for HSV 1: 0. Of the samples 3369 (91. 91 and Hsv 2 igg 17. Abid. However, some people with results between 1. 10 equivocal range and that I'm probably okay but should come back to get tested in 2 weeks. My hsv 1 and hsv 2 results were 0. Doctor. The information provided here is not sufficient for. 6 weeks after contracting the disease, over 70% of infected people are positive for herpes. The most common entry point for human herpes viruses is the. JohnDoe50. 91 & hsv 1 igg, type spec 2. 09 and this indicates that you were infected in the past. And I have never had any traditional HSV-2 symptoms. And my assumption is that the “high” result for HSV 1 caused the positive for combination. Positive indicates antibodies detected to HSV-1. HSV 2 Igg test came back less than 0. 6 Test Type Test Result Indication. 91 Hsv IgM I/II combo 1. 09 Positive >1. 09 positive > 1. 91-1. Helpful - 0. 0-0. 2 things are a bit concerning to me on the results. i currently live in europe so is this a different unit? i recently had sex with my current boyfriend and he had symptoms afterwards. 09. A positive result means that the patient has an . 91 IGG HSVII 0. , Biokit, S. 16 % patients when IgM test was added. Gurmukh Singh answered. It is actually very common.